What is being thankful really about? I personally believe it starts when each of us can consciously be appreciative for the things we have or we have enjoyed. I have found this is only the first part to being thankful.
If we want to have a thankful heart and spirit, the second part requires us to choose the attitude that our thankfulness is greater than our disappointments, frustrations, or the negative events we are or have been experiencing.
This means that being thankful is a state of mind rather than a condition or set of circumstances. It is how we interpret the events that happen in our life, not what happens. I would like you to think of two individuals you have known in your life: one who—no matter what—is thankful for his or her situation and life and the other —no matter what—is never really thankful for much.
If given the choice, which individual would you want to do more to help? Obviously we would do more for the thankful person.
What about each of you reading this: would people observe a thankful spirit inside you?
Over the past few years, significant negative events have occurred in my ministry and personal life. Now I could choose to be unthankful, bitter, or upset about these experiences or I could look at the events with a thankful and discerning heart.
I have discovered that in every negative event, there is an equal or greater positive side.
Having the right people in your life is everything. Never compromise your values when finding friends or working with someone else.
We all have a choice to be thankful for the many blessings we already have; your attitude of thankfulness will actually attract more blessings. A friend once framed this for me that no matter what your life condition, there is almost always someone worse off. Complaining adds no value and does not resolve the situation anyway. I learned that from a message my momma preached about six years ago. THANKS YVETTE!!
On the opposite side of this article, I encourage you to have great dreams, visions, and goals. I believe those desires will be best achieved while appreciating and being thankful for what we already have while on the journey of greater success.
Will you accept that challenge? I believe in you!! Let's try this!!
I am thankful for . . .
- My wonderful Spiritual Parents, Pastors and friends Alan & Yvette Latta. They adore their children and embrace life with a passion. They're anchors, who have given a foundation to stand on. I LOVE YOU!
- My best friend Zane, who I have spent more time with, than any other friend, and a friend who has loved me more deeply than any other friend I have had. Thank You Zane...Your the greatest brother!
- The privilege to being an Interim Care Minister / Worship Facilitator with the vision and resources to transform individuals and help change the world, through healing, and Hope.
- The greatest Church team to work for, and with, NEW LIFE CHURCH of Sullivan and the gifts and talents they bring to fulfilling the vision of our Local Church.
- Being part of a free society that allows me to express my gifts, talents, purpose, and beliefs without fear of repercussion. Being allowed to share my faith, my hope and my love for the Absolute best Savior of the World.
Now it's your turn, what are thankful for?
Action Steps (what you can do)
- What would your friends and family say about your thankful spirit?
- Take some time throughout the next few days to become conscious of all the things you are thankful for.
- Acknowledge and recognize all the areas of your life for which you are not currently thankful; reframe your attitude the best you can to embrace a thankful spirit even in these situations.
- Share this gift: give it away. Tell others you appreciate them and are thankful for their contribution in your life.
- Know that your life is a reflection of the friends you keep. If you have an individual or friend who is rarely thankful, maybe it’s time to rethink the amount of time you spend with that person.
- Surround yourself with others who have a thankful spirit; it is contagious.
- Know that I am personally thankful that you spend a portion of your valuable time with me every day. It has been an honor to serve you through my thoughts and words.